This Privacy Policy is intended to inform you of the rules and procedures adopted by ANA QUERIDO regarding the treatment of data collected when browsing any site and when used as features proposed by him, as well as a Inform you of security and confidentiality measures. ANA QUERIDO recognizes the importance of protecting your data. Thus, we have developed a set of security measures aimed at protecting your data. It is not in the account of the debtors of all the years, as well as not being recognized any order by these effectuated online.

Your registration, registration or purchase online, expressly guarantees to ANA QUERIDO, your consent to use your data and address, as well as the data relating to your purchases and forms of payment. This data is protected and handled informally and can be used for communication and reporting purposes, and customize an offer of products, services, promotional or advertising campaigns or for order processing. The personal data of the users / clients of this website are treated in accordance with and in accordance with the Portuguese Data Protection Commission.



The user has the right to the protection of his personal data. ANA QUERIDO respects the users' right to information on the collection and processing of their personal data.

By browsing the website, the user accepts and expressly consents to the collection and further processing of personal data by ANA QUERIDO, in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in this Privacy Policy and for the purposes indicated there in. You should read this document carefully and only browse and / or submit information through the website if it is in accordance with its terms.

ANA QUERIDO, as the personal data controller, determines the purposes and means by which your personal data are processed, including all security measures. ANA QUERIDO guarantees that personal data are processed in Portugal in a correct and lawful manner and in accordance with good practices.

In the treatment of personally identifiable data, directly or indirectly, we apply the principle of strict necessity. For this reason, this website is designed so that the use of your personal data is minimal and does not exceed the original purpose for which they were collected and / or processed.

This Privacy Policy is intended to provide you with all the information you need to understand our privacy practices. However, in case you need further clarification regarding this Privacy Policy, you can put your questions through the email: .



ANA QUERIDO is responsible for the management of the website and for the treatment of the data collected during its navigation of the same, and, in this scope, may resort to services of third parties (subcontractors), who will act on behalf of ANA QUERIDO. to implement the technical and organizational security measures applicable under the law.



In the context of your website navigation, ANA QUERIDO may collect and process the following categories of data for the purposes set out below:

a) If you subscribe to our newsletter with information about ANA QUERIDO products and services, you will be asked for an e-mail address, which will only be used to send this newsletter;

b) When you execute processes to purchase products sold on this website, we collect your personal data on the purchase form (name, e-mail address, date of birth, size, address, telephone), only for the purposes of sale, and transportation of the products ordered by you;

c) When you record a delivery address, we collect your personal data in order to simplify the preparation of your future orders;

d) When you create or share your Wish List, we collect your data for the purpose of personalizing our services for the purchase of products on the website;

e) When you register on our website you accept the sending of commercial messages by electronic mail or any other equivalent electronic means, such as SMS;

f) Data will also be collected on your use of the website, for statistical purposes and to improve the experience of using it, in particular.

If there is any change to your personal information, please send it to the following e-mail address: .

Unless otherwise provided, your personal information will not be disclosed to third parties for purposes not permitted by law or without your explicit consent. Your personal data will only be communicated to third parties when it is necessary to process an order, namely:

- Electronic payment services, through credit or debit cards;

- Processing of purchased products;

- Select, pack and dispatch items;

- Solve questions or doubts related to the sale of products;

- Processing payments for the purchase of items;

- Process returns of articles.


ANA QUERIDO may have access to the personal data of third parties that are disclosed by the users of this website, for example, when a user purchases a product to be sent to a friend or when the user who pays the product is different from the recipient of that product.

In all cases you have to disclose information from third parties, you must obtain your consent before providing us with your personal information and informing them of our Privacy Policy. You will be the only person responsible for the disclosure of third party information and data, as well as any other illegal and incompatible use of such data, if you have not been given your consent.

In any case involving the disclosure of sensitive / confidential data to ANA QUERIDO, you will be solely responsible for the disclosure and unlawful use of such data by third parties.

The user should be aware that, except as provided in the following section, the personal data that we request you to provide us, including e-mail address, address, credit or debit card number and telephone number, are required for the processing of your order and for the purchase of the products on this website, in order to follow the obligations arising from the applicable legislation and regulations or to provide other services provided on this website and requested by you.

Accordingly, your refusal to provide us with certain personal data may prevent us from processing your request for the purchase of products or for the provision of other services on this website.

Failure to provide your personal information may justify our refusal to process your order for the purchase of products on this website or for the provision of services.

The disclosure of your personal data beyond what is necessary to comply with legal or contractual parameters or to provide the services requested by you is optional and has no effect on the use of this website or its services and purchase of products. We will inform you if your personal data are mandatory or optional, by entering with an asterisk (*) the information that is mandatory to fill out. Failure to complete the optional data will not result in any penalty.



Your personal data may be disclosed to third parties that provide specific services, such as external entities contracted by ANA QUERIDO or that treat independently the personal data collected by ANA QUERIDO and in connection with the fulfillment of a contract for the purchase of products in this Location on the Internet.

Any disclosure will be made without exceeding the purpose for which your personal data were collected and subsequently processed.

In addition, your personal data may be disclosed to third parties to:

- comply with applicable laws

- respond to judicial and governmental inquiries,

 - be in compliance with valid legal processes,

- protect the rights or property of ANA QUERIDO.

In the event of a change in ANA QUERIDO’s corporate structure, including, without limitation, incorporation, merger, sale, liquidation or substantial transfer of assets, ANA QUERIDO may, in its sole discretion, transfer, sell or transfer personal information collected through this site, including, without limitation, personally identifiable information and aggregate information about users, to one or more affiliates or non-affiliates.

In any case, your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties without being informed or without your consent, when this is required by law, except in the cases provided in this document.



 ANA QUERIDO, as responsible for the management of the website, undertakes to make the best efforts to ensure the privacy of data collected and / or transmitted online. The security and privacy of the data collected are aspects that are of crucial importance to us, and so ANA QUERIDO is committed to protecting the security of these data. To this end, it uses security technologies and procedures designed to protect data collected against unauthorized access, use or disclosure. However, it is not possible for ANA QUERIDO to eliminate, in its entirety, the risks related to their safety.

Access to the collected data is limited to ANA QUERIDO’s employees, to any subcontractors and to third parties who need this access to perform the functions of supplying products and services to the user.

Access may also be made available to official authorities, if necessary, for the fulfillment of ANA QUERIDO's legal or contractual obligation, in particular when it is required by law or by any judicial or administrative order, provided it is issued by a competent body.

ANA QUERIDO warns that the data collected on the website may, at the time of collection, circulate in the network without security conditions, at the risk of being seen and used by unauthorized third parties.



ANA QUERIDO uses automatic data collection systems such as cookies. Cookies are small text files stored on the computer by the websites that are visited, constituting automatic procedures for collecting information regarding the preferences determined by a user during their visit to a particular web page. Whenever the user re-accesses the website in question, these files are automatically activated in a way that configures the website with the preferences registered in previous visits, allowing a faster and more efficient navigation and eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information .

ANA QUERIDO uses cookies on the website in order to provide the user with a better browsing experience, simplifying and rendering more efficient the presentation of the different contents of the website.

Most browsers automatically accept cookies and the user must be able to accept, delete or reject them through the settings of each browser. The user can configure his navigation program in order to prevent the creation of cookies or to warn of the moment in which this occurs. In the case of non-acceptance of cookies, browsing the website is still possible, although the experience of use is negatively affected.

The information collected and / or stored by the cookies used by ANA QUERIDO is not intended to obtain the personal identification of the user, and is only used to optimize its services and those of this website to the needs and preferences of the user and so that the preparation of the pages are customized.

Acceptance of our automatic data collection procedures and the use of cookies is necessary to take advantage of the many features and services offered through this website, including the purchase of products. If you set your browser to block or delete cookies, we can not guarantee that you will have access to all the features and services offered through this website.



You have the right to obtain from ANA QUERIDO, at any time, the confirmation that your data is being processed, even if it is not registered on the website, as well as the communication of the same data in a perceptible way.

You have the right to be informed by ANA QUERIDO about the origin of the source that transmitted your data, the purposes and means of processing your personal data, the rationale behind electronic data processing, information about external entities and the names of subjects and categories of entities to whom your personal data may be disclosed or that can access your data. You may also find the information listed above in this Privacy Policy.

You have the right to obtain at any time from ANA QUERIDO:

a) the updating, rectification or integration of your personal data;

b) the deletion, transformation into anonymous or the blocking of your personal data, which is treated as a violation of the law, even when the storage of data is not necessary for the purposes for which they were collected and subsequently processed;

c) confirmation that the operations in (a) and (b) have been notified to whom the data were communicated or disseminated, except where it is impossible to do so or if it means exceeding the protection of the rights invoked.


You have the right to oppose, in whole or in part:

a) for legitimate reasons, the processing of your personal data, even if it is related to the purposes for which they were collected;

b) the processing of your personal data for advertising or direct marketing purposes or to sell products or conduct market research or commercial communications.

You may freely exercise your rights at any time, provided that you do so in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, sending your request to ANA QUERIDO through the following email:



The website may include links, directories and even search engines that allow the user to access other websites, pages or Internet portals from third parties (hereinafter "Linked Sites").

This Privacy Policy refers exclusively to browsing the website and does not apply to any processing of data that occurs through Linked Sites, for which ANA QUERIDO is entirely unaware.



ANA QUERIDO reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy, without prior communication to its users. Whenever ANA QUERIDO updates its Privacy Policy of the website, it will be immediately available there, indicating the date of publication.

You must regularly consult this Privacy Policy, provided that you accept and agree to its terms. If you do not agree to the changes to the Privacy Policy, you should not continue to browse the website.



This Privacy Policy is governed in all its aspects by Portuguese law, in particular, by Law no. 67/98, of October 26 (Personal Data Protection Act), and other applicable legislation.

In case of dispute, the user agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Portuguese courts.



Any clarification or comment to this Privacy Policy should be addressed to ANA QUERIDO through the email address: .